Saturday, May 31, 2008


I just wanted to share this website, that contains a myriad of stories from women who have had abortions are are, of course, not sorry about it. A quote from their website:

"I' was created for the purpose of showing women that exercising their legal right to terminate their pregnancy is not the blood-spattered guilt trip so many make it out to be. It is not intended to make women's decisions for them, but to provide information to make the choice that will be best for them. This site exists to tell women that it's okay not to feel sad or ashamed after an abortion. You are not a baby killer. You are not irresponsible. You are not selfish. And, above all, you are not evil."

Go there and check it out, it's worth a read.


Ryan said...

There is absolutely no reason to feel bad about terminating a pregnancy.
It really bothers me when people say, "I support the right to do it, but I could never do it, personally."
Fuck that. That mindset draws abortion as something bad. It's not. It's a medical procedure to eradicate an infinitesimal, parasitic fetus from your body.

It's not infanticide, and I hereby offer to publicly debate anyone who says it is.

Great post, Lauren.

-Ryan Culbertson-Faegre

nisemono3.14 said...


Lauren Lane said...

Aww! Thanks CFs! I heart you the pants!