Wednesday, September 10, 2008

No matter how we define rape...

This isn't along the lines of a normal Teh Juggernauts post, but I figured it was worth spreading the word about.

A new study shows that 18 percent of young women report that they have been forced to have sex. My first thought, of course, was to wonder how they defined "forced".

The answer?

Verbal or physical pressure or being physically held down.

Half of those women (so 9%) say they have been forced to have sex by being held down. A quarter (4.5%) say that they have suffered physical injuries while being forced to have sex.

Think about that.

When you are sitting in a classroom with twenty women, (on average) four of them have been forced to have sex. Two of them have been held down. And one has suffered physical injuries when being forced to have sex.

Is this really a culture we are proud of?

(Thanks, Feministing!)

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